call me burroughs-william burroughs

Burroughs reads from Naked Lunch and Nova Express. Last spotted on wax in ’65, and unavailable on any format since 1995! Housed in tip on-style jacket including original liner notes in English and French

For the first time in 50 years, Superior Viaduct tee up Billy Burroughs’ seminal Call Me Burroughs on vinyl, presenting what was the first time most people heard the pioneering, cut-up texts of his Naked Lunch and Nova Express novels delivered in his inimitable, drawling voice.

The influence of those worm-holing books and the cut-up technique he developed with Brion Gysin cannot be overstated on subsequent generations of artists, whether inspiring the Beat poets of his time, to the scrabbling rabbles of punk rock and hip hop’s chopping DJs, thru industrial music and the avant-garde, or practically any genre that has employed the edit to cut new pathways thru established styles.

Following the abstract, psychedelic travails of Burroughs as junkie, scoring in Tangiers, the West Village, and Mexico, the books here come to life with a deadpan reality spelled out by the man who lived that life zig-zagging between drug-fuelled phantasy and paranormal activities, between the streets, the lines, the needle and the page.

"Anything put out up till now is like pulling a figure out of the air – Enemy installations shattered – Personnel decimated – Board Books taken – Electric waves of resistance sweeping through mind screens of the earth – The message of Total Resistance on short wave of the world"