the brand new larrys corner website for groovy people

so this is a new beginning for me, for larrys corner, and for you. thanks to facebook getting scarier by the day, and thanks to me fucking up 50% of the concerts, i thought it would be a good to great idea to have a webpage. and here it is. we just now got it up so please be patient. i am one fuck of a slow learner so be prepared to get confused. its all the larrys corner way of doing business. the main thing is.....i will be putting up ALL the planned concerts for the whole year. this will helpfully make it easier to plan, and it will also give you artists a chance to see if i forgot to write you in the calendar or double booked. i dont think i will start a webshop as of yet. what i will do is to post cool stuff with prices and then you can contact me if you are interested. the heat sucks here and my fingers are starting to freeze so thats it for now. welcome