Hjorden trio record release!
Hjorden trio is:
Emil Strandberg – Trumpet
Johan Graden – piano, organ and other instruments
Katt Hernandez – F# violin
We have just made our first release, "Herdesånger", an online release on
the Haphazard label. You can listen here:
Tonight we will be having a release show at Larry's Corner, a marvelous
book and record shop. Do come and join us!
Door: 120:-
Discounted Rate: For those who are unemployed or otherwise financially
struggling, you are welcome at "pay what u can"
More about the group and our record:
This brand-new improvising unit from Stockholm takes its
name—hjorden—from the herd, grazing, roaming freely. The album title,
herdesånger, translates into something like a bucolic song. It's a
pastoral scene, removed from civilization, but all the more complex for
it: slightly tamed animals following a recognizable path, or breaking
new ground. Moving freely, yet under supervision.
To speak a bit less figuratively, this is improvised music that gladly
follows a melodic and harmonic path to see where it goes. Which is to
say that these improvisations don't shy away from form.
Speaking of form: in Swedish, the words hjorden and jorden are
homophonic, the latter means the earth, from which the grass grows,
which feeds us, and which is our whole world, which encompasses our
music. Sometimes this music is homophonic, however mostly polyphonic;
the associations being too many, and springing forth too hastily, to
have hierarchy.
The individual track titles on this new release come from the scientific
classification of a bird whose Swedish name is herdesångare. In English:
the western Orphean warbler; Orpheus being the best musician ever,
charming not only every animal with his playing but also rocks.
You see, this is all a complex of association, much as the music itself,
with its wild, and tamed, associations with contrapuntal madrigals,
birdsong, microtonality...